The office of "OZOF Doverie" Insurance Company is located at:
Sofia 5, Lachezar Stanchev Street, building of SOPHARAMA BUSINESS TOWERS body A 5th floor.


National Wide Phone Number :
0700 17 006

This phone number can be dial from everywhere on territory of Bulgaria. The line is open in all working days between:

9:00 ч. до 17:30 ч.

For your information when you dial the services of Call Center at this line you will be charge according to your tariff plan of the respective mobile operator to a number of type 0700.
For contacting the Call Center of "OZOF Doverie" AD you could also use the following fixed numbers:

02 989 84 59; 02 981 26 18; 02 980 62 38; 02 988 14 82.
By using these numbers, you will be charged to your carrier's national fixed network tariff plan.

Cellular phone numbers on A1:
0878 105 994
0878 105 995
These phone numbers can be used on all days of the week in the time range from 17:30 to 09:00 and on holidays for emergency medical assistance.

To contact the Management, Secretary, Accounting, Chief Legal Adviser, IT specialists and other, please use:
02 987 1037
02 987 1659
These phone numbers can be used on all business days in the time range from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
